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Can I Make Tequila Lime Chicken Without Alcohol?

Asked by Ben-J. Answered on 30th December 2016

Full question

I saw the Tequila And Lime Chicken on TV in Australia and I really want to try it. I can't use alcohol though - is there any alternative for the tequila?

Tequila and Lime Chicken
Photo by Keiko Oikawa
Tequila and Lime Chicken
By Nigella
  • 14
  • 2

Our answer

Nigella's Tequila And Lime Chicken (from SIMPLY NIGELLA) marinates the chicken in a zesty mariande made from chilli, lime, salt and tequila. The marinade evaporates as the chicken roasts so it is likely that only traces of alcohol would be left, but it would be possible to make a similar mariande without alcohol.

We suggest using chicken stock instead of the tequila. You could add an extra squeeze of lime juice to this marinade but avoid using too much acid if you are marinating the chicken overnight, or for longer. We would also try to opt for a low or no sodium stock, though if the stock is salty then you may like to reduce the salt from 2 teaspoons to 1½ teaspoons, to prevent the final dish from tasting too salty.

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