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Candied Chestnuts

Asked by amandamonique. Answered on 14th August 2012

Full question

Hi, I saw one of Nigella's TV programmes, I don't recall which episode it was, where Nigella was in her pantry and she picked up a tin of gold wrapped chestnuts. What is the brand? I'd like to order them online. Also, there was another episode when she made a dessert from a sort of chestnut paste which she scooped out of a tin can into a martini glass. She then topped it with some whipped cream. Again, what is the name of that brand? It looked absolutely delicious! Thank you! Amanda

Our answer

There are several brands of candied chestnuts - also known as marrons glaces - available and all are absolutely fine for Nigella's recipes. The French company Fauchon is of the more upmarket brands and the marrons glaces are available from John Lewis, either on-line or in selected stores. There are also several other brands available on-line and it is worth checking in supermarkets and delicatessens at Christmas as this is when marrons glaces are traditionally sold.

There are also several brands of chestnut puree available but it needs to be the type of puree known as creme de marrons (sometimes labelled as chestnut spread) which is slightly sweetened and contains some vanilla. Clement Faugier is one of the best known brands and is available on-line and in some supermarkets. Nigella uses the creme de marrons in the Quickly Scaled Mont Blanc recipe (Nigella Express, p340).

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