As a student (across the pond in Montreal!), my kitchen is fairly sparse, so I had to make do without a food processor or water bath (didn't have a pan big enough to fit the tin in). I attempted a make shift water bath with the small pan full of water on a rack just below the tin, and I'm not really sure what difference it made. I was also very tired as I started making it at 9:30 at night, after a long afternoon of crumpet making (would love to know Nigella's take on them!). Ultimately, it turned out pretty good! The sides had browned but I rather liked how that looked, and I thought the cheesecake flavor went very well with the maple syrup (fresh from Quebec!). My roommate's cat, Mary Elizabeth, also enjoyed it a lot, and took a bite when I wasn't looking. (Also, I couldn't resist including the candle I made in a Marmite jar in the photo, very proud of it).
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