I have developed something of obsession with the Margot Bakery. I long to visit it, but until then I make do with gazing at their Instagram account, what I can buy of theirs at the Fromagerie in Moxon Street on Fridays and, now, this book. I so happily lose myself in its pages — a safe and comforting space — and take notes greedily of recipes I feel I need in my life: sourdough challah, flatbreads, croissants (well, I can dream) and crumpets; the poppyseed babka, chocolate rye brownies, and potato focaccia.
It’s true that these recipes are involved: anyone who embarks on the sourdough journey knows that it is not a quick passage, but this book is truly an inspiring guide. And while I sort out my commitment issues with making sourdough, there is — among other things — this cheese and onion pie: a good deed in a dark world.
Modern Sourdough By Michelle Eshkeri, £22 White Lion Publishing
Photos by Patricia Niven.