Extract taken from The Saffron Tales, by Yasmin Khan
Photography © Matt Russell
Published by Bloomsbury, 2016, £26.00, hardback
All good cookery books are as much about life out of the kitchen as in it — and Saffron Tales is a case in point: this is so much more than a compilation of recipes, gorgeous though they themselves are. This is a book that tells a story, both cultural and personal, and her voice is as engaging as her food. There are so many recipes that jostled for a place here — Burnt Aubergine and Walnut Dip, Carrot and Pistachio Salad, Butternut Squash and Dried Lime Soup, Prawn Coriander and Tamarind Stew, just to give you a small but delectable taster — but in the end I had to plump for Persian Love Cake. Read the recipe and you’ll see why.