As I wrote in ‘Kitchen’, I could probably write a whole book of banana recipes, so often do I end up with a black claw of softening fruit beckoning reproachfully from the corner of the kitchen. I cannot bear waste, cannot throw food away, and for most of the time, this means that I am constantly trying out new banana bread recipes. Many have found their way here, and you can cheerfully choose from a classic Banana Bread, my Gluten-Free Banana Bread with Chocolate and Walnuts, Chocolate Tahini Banana Bread as well those other overripe-banana user-uppers, Chocolate Banana Muffins, Chocolate-Topped Banana Cake, and Banana Butterscotch Muffins.
I would never dissuade you from making any or all of those, but sometimes it feels more of a treat to turn the sad specimens in the fruit bowl to more glamorous use: and here is where my Banoffee Cheesecake comes in. The recipe comes from the 'Cook It Better' chapter of 'Kitchen', in which I exult in one of my favourite ways of cooking, the using up of fruits and vegetables a bit past their best, maybe, but ready to be saved by the enthusiastically hopeful ministrations of the home cook.
This cheesecake is a gratifying case in point, and I am thrilled it is making its rather dashing debut to the site now. I rather like it as a Sunday lunch pud, or as dessert when you have friends over. But whenever you eat it, it’s a proper treat!