This week’s news is that a much beloved recipe from At My Table — Coconut Shrimp with Turmeric Yogurt – makes its debut on the website. And I welcome it, and hope you do, with a glad heart. Deep-frying is often a highly stressful activity, but the pan you need for this is not big, and it all feels contained and so easily possible. Although this is just made for having people around, I must confess I most often cook it when there’s just two of us, and we stay greedily stoveside, frying, chatting, and eating. In which case, I tend to buy fewer to start off with, although not always…
You really do need to seek out coconut-milk yogurt to make what must be the simplest sauce in the world. And my only other recommendation is that you remember, as you flour, egg, and crumb your shrimp, to keep one hand for dry ingredients (flour and breadcrumbs) and one hand for wet (the egg) or else you will end up with balls of dough at the end of each finger. It’s not a disaster, but wonderfully easy to avoid.
Anyway, much as I love to witter on, I think I should say nothing more to you except you can get the recipe on this link.