In Feast I wrote that a chocolate cake is a unit of celebration, and if reaching a million followers on my Facebook page isn't cause for celebration, I don't know what is! But really, it isn't just about celebrating it, but about giving thanks - to all of you who contribute not only to the Facebook page, but also to Twitter (@NigellaLawson) and this site. So I have created a new chocolate cake just for you!
To get the recipe, you do need to sign up to If you've already registered then you'll find it straightaway but if not don't worry: it's an easy process. I loathe filling in forms, and would never inflict the pain on any of you. All you need do is give your email address, create a password and a username, and you're in. And over the coming months, there will be more recipes exclusively for members.
But to the cake: it's a Chocolate Sheet Cake, incredibly easy to make, and all-too-easy to eat, but actually because it is - as the name suggests - a thin cake, you can get all the joy without feeling overloaded. It can be eaten as bars, as squares, and as small, after-dinner bites. I can't stop making it for friends' birthday cakes as it can be stretched to feed a large tableful, can take many candles and looks quite ravishing.
It's adorable when covered with little white chocolate stars, and for those in the UK, these can be found in many supermarkets: mine came from Waitrose, but I've been told Asda stock them, too, but I also love it covered with chopped pecans (about 75g) and for exotic delight, I sprinkle pistachios (chopped finely in a coffee grinder for ease) and rose petals (which can be found in the UK at over the top, about 2 tablespoons of each. It is also gorgeously chic (and pleasing to those, like me, who like to counter the sweetness of the chocolate) sprinkled with sea-salt flakes, about half a teaspoon to a teaspoon, according to taste.
But please, I give you this recipe in the hope that you will feel free to decorate as you like. All that matters is that you enjoy it, and know that I am grateful to you for being part of the community.