I don't know why our Mother's Day in the UK should be different from just about everywhere else in the world (ours has come and gone) but there it is. I am going with majority rule and since it is Mother's Day all around the globe on Sunday I'm joining in the party too. Mind you, I am there more in spirit than anything else, since my ma died young, when she was 48, and I was 25. But remembering (not that one ever forgets) is a good thing and I am very happy to salute her memory and print this picture of her, me and my late sister Thomasina on a climbing frame, a photograph taken way back in the mists of time last century!

I wanted to choose a special recipe (on top of the 'What We're Cooking Today' choice for Sunday) that I felt suited this special day, and I've plumped for my no-churn pomegranate ice cream not only because I love its pink prettiness but also because it is so easy, it is positively child's play to make — so even young children (with supervision of course) have no excuse not to proffer something special up this Sunday.