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Guinness Cake to Cupcakes

Asked by Jenn Marie. Answered on 18th July 2012

Full question

The Guinness Cake from Feast looks incredibly yummy! I want to make this for my husband's birthday but he prefers cupcakes. Any ideas on how long to bake for regular sized cupcakes and mini cupcakes? Thank you for your time!

Our answer

It is possible to make cupcakes out of cake batters. The Chocolate Guinness Cake is likey to make 18 to 24 cupcakes. Before you start the cake make sure that you line the cupcake pans with paper cases as the cakes need to go into the oven fairly quickly. As the batter is quite liquid you may also find it easier to transfer it to a measuring jug to pour into the paper cases, or even better use an ice cream scoop with a capacity of approximately 60mls. Fill the cases about half full with batter, and no more then two-thirds full.

Most cupcakes take between 15 and 20 minutes to cook at 180c/350F/Gas mk 4. As the cake batter is fairly liquid we suspect that the cupcakes will take closer to 20 minutes, and may take a couple of minutes longer. Check the cupcakes after about 18 minutes and then check again every couple of minutes. The tops should feel firm and if you insert a cocktail stick (toothpick) into one of the cupcakes (choose one in the centre of the pan) then it should come out with just a couple of damp cake crumbs on it. However please note that as we have not tried the recipe in this form we are unable to guarantee the results.

For cupcakes you may find that you need to make slightly more frosting as it tends to be mounded up a little more than for a regular cake - we woud suggest making 1 1/2 times the recipe quantity.

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