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How Can I Pipe The Chocolate Guinness Cake Frosting?

Asked by RachelGillson. Answered on 19th June 2024

Full question

I would like to make the Chocolate Guinness Cake and its cream cheese frosting, but would like to pipe the frosting. How can I make it thicker to pipe?

Chocolate Guinness Cake
Photo by James Merrell
Chocolate Guinness Cake
By Nigella
  • 14
  • 2

Our answer

Nigella's Chocolate Guinness Cake (from FEAST) is a moist chocolate cake that is topped with a light cream cheese frosting. The frosting includes double cream as this gives the frosting a soft, airy texture that resembles the frothy "head" on a pint of Guinness.

You may be able to pipe this frosting if you are just piping loose swirls that don't have much definition. However, if you are piping something more intricate then you would probably need to switch the frosting to a more regular cream cheese frosting, as cream cheese on its own is often difficult to pipe unless it is kept very cold. We would suggest trying the buttery cream cheese frosting from Nigella's Ginger And Walnut Carrot Cake, omitting the fresh ginger. This should be easier to pipe as it contains butter as well as cream cheese. You may need to make a double quantity for piping on the Chocolate Guinness Cake, depending on your design.


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