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Nigella's Plate Stand

Asked by annu_mk. Answered on 8th June 2013

Full question

In Nigella's kitchen in her TV show NIgella Bites has a plate stand which is hung just above the wash basin. I am in Munbai and have been trying to find something similar. I've looked in Dubai and my husband keeps travelling so if you know where I may be able to get a similar one I would be very grateful! Thank you, Anamika

Our answer

Unfortunately Nigella Bites was filmed some time ago and the plate draining rack that was part of Nigella's kitchen is no longer available. The rack itself was made from metal and similar items are usually supplied as part of a fitted kitchen. However Ikea currently have a couple of hanging dish racks in metal that may be worth considering (Bygel and Grundtal).

In the show Nigella also has a large ceiling-hung pot rack that was postiotioned over the gas nob. She hung many pots, colanders and other utensils from the rack. There are seveal manufacturers of similar items but if you are in the US then Enclume make a good range of similar racks. They are availble on-line and via some retailers, such as Williams Sonoma.

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