Nigella team! This is my first attempt at a Cookalong; I've been watching and waiting for something I thought I could try, and of course there is nothing more appealing than a Victoria sponge! I am 19, almost 20, so have been reading many of Nigella's recipes as I think it is about time I learn to cook! I was very excited to try this recipe and use some beautiful June strawberries – I also added some slices into the jam filling. I thought long and hard about the significance of the (Queen) Victoria sponge and it reminded me of the Queen of Hearts, and from there the idea of the top decoration bloomed – a playing card with strawberry hearts! – I do hope you see my vision! I will certainly keep taking part in these Cookalong's as I get more confident with Nigella's wonderful recipes! And yes Nigella, I definitely did eat this with joy in my heart! Z
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