It should go without saying that all cookbooks should be reliable manuals, but on top of that, I love a lyrical read — a book that can make me dream smilingly. I cannot in all honesty say that I see myself making all the recipes, month by fruitful month, in Lillie O’Brien’s Five Seasons of Jam, but it has given me inordinate pleasure imagining doing so as I read and reread her beautiful book. I’d love my shelves to be stocked with jars of pêche de vine and lemon jam, whitecurrant and lemon balm jelly, bergamot marmalade and cobnut and plum mincemeat, and enjoyed reading all the recipes with their intriguing and inviting flavour combinations. But the one recipe I will do more than dream of, and actually will have to try before this long hot summer leaves us is blackberry & liquorice jam. In other words, I will follow this recipe below, but opt for the blackberry suggestion in the tip at the end of the recipe. Liquorice lovers rejoice!
From Five Seasons Of Jam by Lillie O'Brien.
Published by Kyle Books, 2018.
Photography by Elena Heatherwick.