I really do try and be good. I know I’ve got more cookbooks than I have shelves for them, and I do my best not to keep adding to the piles of books that seem to cover every available surface in the house, including the floor. (I even get decluttering books that just end up adding to my clutter.) But the thing is, ever since I made Stella Parks' Chocolate Skillet Cake from the Serious Eats website, I have just been obsessed by the idea of baking in my cast-iron frying pan and really needed a book to wallow in. And this is that book. It really is. I have luxuriated in every page. I’ve long made pies, pandowdies and cobblers in my skillet — and the occasional cornbread — but I now see that I could really be baking so much else in it. I most certainly see an Almond Butter & Rhubarb Tart, Irish Soda Farls, Dehli Bialys and a giant Pistachio-Cherry Danish in my future. And it’s the Danish I’ve plumped for here, simply because I cannot stop thinking about it.
Stir, Sizzle, Bake: Recipes for your Cast Iron Skillet by Charlotte Druckman
Photos by Aubrie Pick
Published by Ten Speed Press, 2016