Since we're on the run-up to ANZAC Day — which is on the 25th of this month — I thought it was only right to bring your attention to the Cappuccino Pavlova in our recipe section. I know this day is traditionally celebrated down under with Lamingtons and ANZAC biscuits, but I proffer this instead, partly because both Kiwis and Aussies claim to have invented the pavlova, and also because I feel that as Autumn comes slowly in the Antipodes, this very non-trad version is the perfect pud for the time of year.
Mind you, as far as I'm concerned, it's the perfect pud for any time of the year. It is — cross fingers — the beginning of Spring where I am, and I shall be culinarily commemorating the courage of the combined forces of Australia and New Zealand during the First World War with — as it's known at home — my Cap Pav too!