Well, it feels like summer is truly over now: everyone is back from their hols; the children are — at last! — back at school; and then there's the weather...
A big thank you to everyone who braved the rain and came to my signing at Waterstone's Kensington on Wednesday. It was my first signing for Kitchen, so a big thrill anyway, but particularly so given the fantastic turn-out.
Still, when the rain comes down, it's the perfect excuse for some kitchen time — so please do join in the Cookalong, which this month opens with my Flourless Chocolate Lime Cake with Margarita Cream. You just need to cook the recipe, and then let me know what you think! And don't forget to vote in the poll to decide next month's recipe.

You'll notice a bit of a comforting autumnal theme in the selection for October: as the nights draw in, we could all do with a bit of culinary cocooning. And there's nothing I like more...