The latest recipe from At My Table to be added to the website is a particular favourite, my Chocolate Olive Oil Mousse. Many of you know and love my Chocolate Olive Oil Cake, but this takes the partnership even further. Deep-flavoured, soft-textured, easy to make: this is one of those recipes you will make time and time again when people come over for supper. Well, I know I do. Because the mousses need only 20 minutes in the fridge to set lightly, it’s a particularly handy recipe when you don’t have a lot of time to play with.
I’m sure by now you are familiar with the drill, but just in case — a Premium Recipe is one specially for members of nigella.com. If you haven’t already signed up, it’ll take a bare minute, costs nothing and we never give any details (not that you need to give anything more than your name and email address) to anyone. Here’s a link to a list of all the Premium Recipes collection, so do sign-in or sign-up, and enjoy!