I have some exciting news! It was a great disappointment for me that, for obvious reasons, I couldn’t do a book tour when Cook, Eat, Repeat came out last October, and so I am beyond pleased to be able to announce my mini-tour this autumn. My books would be nothing without you, my readers, and it is a great joy for me to be able to go on the road once again and get a chance to talk to you about food, cooking and all that entails in a wider context, as well as my favourite part: answering your questions!
While it can’t be quite as extensive a tour as I would ordinarily do - and I’m sorry if that is a disappointment to you, too - I am inordinately grateful that it is actually happening, and I am very much looking forward to chewing the fat with as many of you as possible. And if you aren’t able to attend in person, you can catch one of the events as a livestream. Tickets go on sale from 10am Wednesday 14th July (though tickets for the Glasgow event will not be available until Friday 30th July) and as it is only a limited run, I would gently urge you to book promptly!
Click here to book your tickets now.