I am very pleased with, and proud of, Team Nigella, aka mi-ladeez, but make no mistake: we are going to war this week. These are not words I am happy to utter, being on the whole a peaceable soul, but it's crunch time now and those noisy boys are not going to cut me any slack – nor should they!
The auditions are behind us now so on Tuesday on ABX 8/7c the competition begins in earnest. There will be a team challenge – which pits mentor against mentor – and a solo challenge which will reward the winners and, sadly, send two people home. The theme for both challenges is Comfort Food, which is the type of cooking particularly close to my heart – so wish me luck.
Please do watch, and bear in mind that I will be live-tweeting, during both East and West Coast airings, so if you want to ask anything, tweet me @nigella_lawson.
Hope you enjoy the show!