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Will the Easy Almond Cake cake work in a bundt tin?
Our answer
Nigella's Easy Almond Cake (from HOW TO BE A DOMESTIC GODDESS) uses a 25cm/10-inch shallow tube tin or ring cake tin, sometimes called a savarin tin (or savarin mold in the US). It is different to a traditional US tube pan as it is shallow (about 5cm/2 inches deep) and is also shallower than a bundt tin.
You may be able to bake this cake in a bundt pan, however we have had problems with other cake recipes where we have tried to switch from a savarin tin to a bundt pan. Bundt pans tend to be heavier and thicker and this affects the baking time and temperature for the cake. It can also be very difficult to turn the smaller cake out of a bundt pan in one piece. So on balance we would not particularly recommend using a bundt pan but you could use a 25cm/10-inch springform tin as an alternative. The cake will be slightly shallower but should have the same baking time. Start checking the cake after 40 minutes baking (when it should start to look golden on top). A cake tester inserted into the centre of the cake should come out clean.
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