This is a bit of a high-speed Witter or rather, Witter-in-Haste as I am leaving any minute for New York and my packing still lies in piles all around me. But before I gather together my essentials — passport, English mustard, Maldon salt, contact lenses — I want to tell you about a few changes.

The first one has already been implemented — and I'm referring to Twitter here. We've always used Twitter to alert you to new postings on the site, but now I have been unleashed and am tweeting what I'm eating. I feel New York will provide rich inspiration on this count!
So: there's Witter and Twitter, and also a new feature in the form of Cookbook Corner. This is going in place of ' Loves' and will be a way of sharing my nearly 5,000 cookery book titles with you. Each week we'll scour the library, choose a book and select a recipe from it. This will start later this week. And don't worry about the loss of loves: all new enthusiasms will be joyfully aired on Witter.

I'm off to do my packing now. You will be hearing from me once I'm in New York....